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Ship Angel Guide

Digitizing The AI-Powered Supply Chain


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Read 'Digitizing The AI-Powered Supply Chain' to learn how the latest AI models can upgrade your supply chain.

Digitizing The AI-Powered Supply Chain



AI in Supply Chains

AI is now embedded in the supply chains of top-performing companies worldwide. We break down how and why, giving you a clear understanding of its impact.


The Cost of AI

Many businesses focus solely on the upfront costs of onboarding an AI system, overlooking its immense ROI, which far outweighs the initial investment.


Developing a Plan

Implementing AI can seem overwhelming at first, but we simplify the process by breaking it down into manageable steps, ensuring a seamless experience for you.

Ship Angel’s AI-powered rate management platform is constantly evolving

The Leading Rate Management Tool

  • 14.6 M

    clipboard-tick rates processed

  • 3.75 M

    routing port combinations

  • +5%

    money-send savings in freight spend

  • 0

    share need for BPO centers