Hours spent per week
How much can you save with Ship Angel?
Enter your annual number of shippings & how long you spend to manage them.
How many TEU do you ship per year?
How many people work on your shipping rates?
*Use 0 if you don’t know$00.00
Use our calculator to find out your total saving per year
no more manual updating of rates or using excel globally even again
Average cost per hour
Weeks per year
Time savings (% reduction)
Time savings (% reduction)
by ensuring you pick the best vendor for every shipment you achieve savings
Rate selection error (%)
% -
Average discrepancy of non-optimal rate
TEU shipments per year
one in seven invoices in freight are incorrect and this system saves a lot of time on manual checking rates via api
Invoice error (%) :
% -
Average discrepancy of non-optimal rate
Average shipments per invoice
Invoices per year
TEU shipments per year
by picking the greenest ship you get carbon credit documents that equate to savings
% of shipments optimized for CO2:
% -
Average $ carbon offset benefit:
TEU shipments per year:
by picking the best vendor you get product to market 5% of the time faster
Average container value:
Average increase in time to market”
% -
Shipments not on time:
% -
TEU shipments per year: